Head office and warehouse

An all-in-one
logistic solution
focussing on
garden furniture

Maximum added value for our customers through professional E-fulfilment.

Next to being a partner for production and supply chain, we can also unburden you in the field of E-fulfilment. With our attractive product range, available from stock, we can take the entire logistics process out of your hands. Besides not having the risks associated with having to store and manage stock, you are able to keep your full focus on your own processes. This range can also be offered in addition to your private label. You can use this stock to try out new models and / or materials among your customers.

The ordering process is fully automated via EDI or XML, but you are also able to place orders yourself via our B2B web shop.

Our modern IT infrastructure allows us the flexibility to receive a diverse variety of orders. We are able to keep you up to date on current stock levels and order statuses on a 24/7 basis. Let’s put our heads together and talk about how we can best connect our system to your systems. The coffee is ready and waiting!


30,000 m2 distribution center for delivery from stock.

Our warehouse, which is fully equipped for the storage of garden furniture, is the daily starting point for a large amount of shipments to customers throughout Europe. On any given day, our experienced logistics team is ready to process the various orders with the utmost care and attention. Whether it concerns a larger order or a drop-shipment directly to a consumer, we organise the storage, order fulfilment and transport, for your B2B as well as B2C customers.

Bespoke logistics partnership


With our 30.000 m2 warehouse, equipped specifically for the storage of garden furniture, we are able to take the entire logistics process off your hands.


We have an attractive range of outdoor furniture, all available from stock. As we use a variety of materials, we can assure a suitable solution for any style.


Orders can be forwarded to us via EDI, XML or through the B2B order portal. In addition to this being an efficient process, it avoids unnecessary errors and delays.


Short delivery times by ordering from our attractive range of products in stock. Drop-shipments are also possible, we will deliver directly to your customer.


Our services also allow you to purchase smaller quantities. This means you are able to differentiate your product range in terms of products and pricing.


For our products available from stock, a complete set of content is also available. Think of extensive product specifications, product photos and atmospheric images.

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