We at Eurofar International B.V. believe that it is very important that your personal data is treated with great care and that any personal data you provide remains confidential. This page explains what personal data we collect, why we collect it and what we do with it. You can reach us at:

Eurofar International B.V.

Beelaarts van Bloklandstraat 14

5042PM Tilburg

The Netherlands

+31 13 5446193


KVK 18036442

This privacy statement applies to the services of Eurofar International B.V. Eurofar International B.V. is not responsible for the privacy policies of other sites or sources referred to on our website.
Purposes and grounds

We do not collect or use your personal data for any other purposes than those explained in this statement, unless you have given us prior permission to do so. We may collect your personal data for the following purposes:
– To carry out our services;
– To communicate with you;
– To send newsletters;
– To fulfil our legal obligations.

Your personal data may be processed by us based on the following grounds:

– Your consent;
– For the preparation and performance of an agreement;
– To fulfil our legal obligations;
– Our legitimate interests.

When we process personal data on the basis of your consent, you can always revoke your consent.
Eurofar International B.V can be legally or contractually obliged to process your personal data. The processing of your personal data can also be a necessary to enter into an agreement with you. In these cases we can only continue our relationship with you when you provide us with the necessary personal data.
Eurofar International B.V can have a legitimate interest to process your personal data, namely to record and analyze the use of the website.

Third parties
Eurofar International B.V. will not provide your personal data to third parties unless this is necessary to provide a service, respond to a request or, in general, fulfil the purpose for which the personal data was collected.

Eurofar International B.V. might be obliged to provide personal data to third parties if there is legal requirement to do so, or a court order or judgement obliges us to do so.

Eurofar International B.V. employs other parties to process personal data. Examples include logistic companies, debt collectors, ICT suppliers and accountants. These selected parties may process your personal data only to the extent that is necessary to perform such functions on our behalf and subject to our instructions. We have procedures in place to ensure that these third party companies value your privacy.

Retention period
Eurofar International B.V. does not store your personal data for longer than legally permitted and/or is necessary.

When we process your personal data on the basis of the preparation or the performance of an agreement with you, we will store your personal data for up to two years after our agreement has ended, or after resolving a dispute.
When we process your personal data on the basis of a legal obligation, we will store your personal data for the period which is determined by the law.
Depending on the type of cookie, we will store your personal data for a maximum of two years.

A cookie is a small file that your browser stores on your computer’s hard drive. This file contains data that your browser sends to our servers so that we can recognize you the next time you visit our website. This allows us to collect data about how visitors use our website, make improvements and meet your needs better. Please read our cookie policy for more information about the cookies placed by Eurofar International B.V.

We will take all due technical and organisational measures to ensure that personal data you provide is protected against misuse or unauthorised access.

Your rights

Right to access
You have the right to access the personal data which Eurofar International B.V. processes. When requested we will provide you with an overview of how we processes your personal data. Eurofar International B.V. reserve the right to charge you a reasonable fee for administrative costs in case you request more than one overview.

Right of rectification
Upon your request we will correct or supplement your inaccurate or incomplete personal data.

Right to erasure
You have the right to request the erasure of your personal data. Eurofar International B.V. is only obliged to comply with your request in one of the following cases:
– your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were originally collected and processed;
– you withdraw your consent and there are no other legal grounds for the processing;
– you object to the processing and Eurofar International B.V. has no legitimate grounds for the processing;
– your personal data has been unlawfully processed;
– your personal data has to be erased to comply with a legal obligation to which Eurofar International B.V. is subject.

Right to restriction of processing
You have the right to temporarily cease the processing of your personal data in one of the following cases:
– you contest the accuracy of your personal data, during a period which allows us to verify the accuracy of your personal data;
– the processing is unlawful and you oppose to the erasure of your personal data and request restriction of the processing instead;
– Eurofar International B.V. does not need your personal data anymore for the purpose of the processing, but you require your personal data for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Right to object
You have the right to object against the processing of your personal data in one of the following cases:
– the processing is based upon our legitimate interests;
– Eurofar International B.V. processes your personal data for direct marketing;
– Eurofar International B.V. processes your personal data for scientific/historical research purposes or statistical purposes

Eurofar International B.V. reserves the right to deny your request when Eurofar International B.V. can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, or when the processing is necessary for the establishment, execution or defence of legal claims.

Right to data portability
You have the right to receive the personal data which you have provided to Eurofar International B.V. in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit the personal data to another controller. Upon request Eurofar International B.V. can transmit the personal data for you, if this is technically feasible. The right to data portability can only be exercised when the two following grounds have been met:
– the processing is based on your consent or on the performance of a contract; and
– the processing is carried out by automated means.

You can send Eurofar International B.V. a request to exercise one of your rights mentioned above. Eurofar International B.V. reserves the right to take steps to authenticate your identity before fulfilling your request. Eurofar International B.V. will answer your request free of charge, however Eurofar International B.V. reserves the right to charge a reasonable fee for carrying out your request in case your request is excessive or is manifestly unfounded.
You can send your request to info@eurofar.nl. Be as clear and precise as possible in your email. In any case state which right you want to exercise and on what grounds. In general Eurofar International B.V. will answer your request within one month after receiving your request. In case Eurofar International B.V. needs more time you will be informed within one month after receipt of your request that Eurofar International B.V. needs a maximum of another two months. Within this period of time Eurofar International B.V. will notify you about whether your request can be fulfilled or not. In case Eurofar International B.V. cannot fulfil your request Eurofar International B.V. will let you know on what ground(s).

If you have any questions or complaints that are not answered in this privacy policy, please do not hesitate to send an e-mail to info@eurofar.nl or contact us by other means listed in our contact data.
At any given time you have the right to send a complaint about our privacy practices to the authorized supervisory body of your country.

This privacy policy is based on how our website is used and the possibilities it offers. Changes or extensions to our website may lead to changes to this privacy policy. This Privacy Policy was last updated on 2 December 2018.

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